crochet, miscellaneous, musings

More beanies

Beanies are such a quick fix when you need to see some results of your endeavours.  A Flapper hat in Lincraft Cosy Wool, which is 8 ply rather than the recommended 10 ply.  This was given to a friend’s two-year-old.


An Olivia’s Butterfly in mystery yarn from my stash.


I made one for myself as well, this time in Patons Smoothie. What a difference a change of yarn makes!


I need hats at the moment to cover up where I am pulling my hair out – well, metaphorically speaking. My daughters are driving me nuts.  They don’t eat well, refuse to even try different foods, oppose everything I ask them to do – especially Stella – and are arguing with me constantly.  Stella is in the midst of toilet training, not very successfully, and more often than not refuses to go to the potty when I ask her to. Mind you, she goes at childcare and successfully kept her undies dry for an entire day there.  At home?  Lots of wee and poo in undies.  Clare deliberately lied to me for the first time a couple of days ago, and was only upset because she was caught out (it was extremely obvious that she was lying).  I worked this morning and have only seen the kids for a couple of hours yet it has been tense and oppositional for most of the time.  Aaaargh!  They’re now off at the park with their dad while I “rest” – which means while I iron and tidy up.  See why I crochet to see the results of my endeavours?  I’m not seeing them in many other places at the moment!

Okay, vent/rant over.  I’d better go and do a bit.