adult's clothing, sewing

New jarmies

Brrrr, aren’t we all shivering!  Such a cold day and now an even colder night (well, for Australia).  Good thing that I made some cosy new pyjamas when I was at Sewjourn!


The pants are from a pattern that has been in my stash forever and will be well and truly out of print. The flannelette is from Amy Butler’s flannelette range, and it’s just superb. I’m never using cheap flannelette again! I added some nice details with piping between the contrast and the main fabric, and there is a contrast tie at the waist as well as it being elasticised. The top is from a cotton lycra and is based on a Jalie basic t-shirt pattern. I bound the sleeves and neckline with fold-over elastic and added an applique to match the pants.


Oh look, there’s a hole in the toe of my uggies!