crochet, miscellaneous, musings

Crazy easy caps

While away at my aunt’s and uncle’s farm over Easter (which is for sale by the way – if you’re looking to buy a beautiful farm property not far from Albury NSW or know someone who is you can check it out here) I didn’t have access to my sewing machine.  Instead, I crocheted!  I finished off Crazy Easy Newsboy Caps for each of the girls before we even arrived at the farm.


I have attempted this pattern a number of times before, each time having great difficulty getting gauge due to yarn substitution issues, and each time having the cap come out way too small. This time I used the recommended yarn – Lily Sugar’n’Cream – but still found that the child size was coming out too small.  To compensate I added a couple more rounds and crocheted the brim and edging rows in a larger sized hook than recommended.  Now the caps are a little too long in the crown – a bit rasta I think!  Nevertheless, the girls liked them and wore them most of the Easter weekend.


Despite my frustrations with this pattern, there is nothing at all wrong with the way it is written and it is a terrific style. I think my difficulties are mostly my own tension problems.


The girls had a marvellous last visit to the farm. They’ve both spent every Easter of their lives there and it is full of special memories. Motorbike rides with Daddy, Easter egg hunts, feeding out to the sheep and cattle, wandering through the shearing shed, collecting eggs and feeding the chickens. Fun on the swing set with their second cousins, walks with Pa and Grandma, laughing with extended family.  My husband loves it too – we’ve been visiting at Easter ever since we met.


We’re all going to miss the farm, but know that it’s time for my aunt and uncle to hang up the farm boots, so to speak. They’ve bought a beautiful house not far away, and we look forward to more family time together in future years. Country hospitality at its finest!

By the way, I made myself a cap as well! Nothing like having us all match…