adult's clothing, sewing

New Look 6809 #3

Here it is – the reason I started sewing New Look 6809 in the first place!  I’ve lengthened view B into a dress, as per Freya’s request. I’m modelling it because she’s away on holidays, so imagine this on someone with an hourglass figure (rather than on me who has no waist).

New Look 6809 view B, lengthened into a dress

The fabric is cotton voile from Spotlight, once again! I really like this print (and am quite tempted to keep this dress for myself and make another for Freya…)

New Look 6809 neck detail

However, I think that this style really does need to be belted, and I don’t wear belts. Ever. I know that there is a theory about defining your waist by wearing a belt, but when your waist is actually two dress sizes larger than your hips, it’s really not a great idea. I read on another blog about it being about as effective as putting a belt around an oak tree trunk…

New Look 6809 view B, lengthened into a dress

So that’s it for now for New Look 6809 (although I am considering making myself another top in the short sleeved version).

I’m back to work again this week.  Clare is spending a few days in the country with her grandparents, and Stella is back at childcare for the two days per week that I’m in paid work.  She had a terrific first day back today, and greeted me with great excitement when I arrived to collect her, quickly followed by a big cuddle and “I love you Mummy”.  Good thing she’s so adorable, because at the moment she’s also a little monkey!  I wonder if Clare is missing us.  Grandma had planned a trip to the movies today, followed by baking cakes, so I doubt it!