children's clothing, crochet, kids clothing, musings

Seashells and posies dress, revisited

This little dress was crocheted for Stella back in October 2007.  Because she’s such a little dot it fits her now!

Seashells & posies dress

Seashells & posies dress

This was the first lacy, 4ply cotton garment I’d crocheted. I still get a little thrill when I see her in it and realise that I made it myself!

On another topic, have you been over to the Make & Meaning blog?  It’s a multi-author blog and has eloquent, stimulating posts and discussion on a number of issues of relevance to the creative community.  It really makes me think.  At the moment I’m also enjoying listening to podcasts (yes, I’m a little late to the party with that aspect of technology), especially the ones from Craftypod.  I sometimes wonder if the people at the gym suspect that while I’m working out I’m listening to discussion of craft and making things rather than motivational music…