
Off to the Show!

Before I fill you in on the fun of our weekend, I will reassure you that I am not intending to make any crocheted wall hangings.  Or macrame ones, for that matter.  You can breathe a sigh of relief or a sigh of regret, depending on your viewpoint.  Isn’t it interesting how our tastes change over time?  I wonder which of the things we adore today will be making us cringe in a few years hence.  And vice versa!  It wasn’t that long ago that everyone was bagging granny squares (actually, lots of people still are) but craft blogs are awash with granny square rugs again now.  I do love a granny….

So, to the weekend!  I was sad to miss the first Northside Makers Market on Saturday, but we were off in the country visiting my parents and taking the kids to the local agricultural show.  And what fun it was!  The kids have never been to the Show before, and could not believe their eyes when they saw all the rides.

IMG_0543 by you.

We started simply – with the clowns (or a variation on that theme).

IMG_0549 by you.

Then it was off to the giant bungy trampolines.  Clare had a go on these a year or so ago when we were in Queensland on holiday, and was thrilled to see them at the Show.

IMG_0568 by you.

We were even able to give Stella a go.  She’s so little and light that we needed to push her down each time to bounce.  She adored it!

IMG_0572 by you.

After all that fun in the amusement arcade it was time to check out the animal nursery and the art & craft pavillion.  Loads of kids cooking and crafts on display.  We also checked out the woodchop, had Clare’s photo taken with Keiran Perkins (she had NO idea who he was) and did craft at the Bunnings stand.  Mr Thornberry ate a dagwood dog (you couldn’t pay me to eat a battered sausage on a stick), the sun shone, and we bought each of the kids one showbag (Freddo frogs – they’re still going on it a day later).  The whole day was lights, colour, sound, and chocolate fingers.  We visited Pa and his mates at the Woodturner’s display, looked inside an ambulance, chatted to CFA officers, saw a dog rounding up geese, and smelled the inside of the cattle shed.  Eventually off to the dodgem cars for Clare and her dad, then to the biggest jumping castle and inflatable slide I have ever seen.

IMG_0581 by you.

It looked like the drop was almost vertical!  Stella did it once, climbed back up for a second go, then sat at the top for a long, long time.  Clare had to hold her hand to come down again.  The girls had an absolute ball and so did we.  What a wonderful day!  And the craft content of this blog post?  Um, Clare’s pants, crocheted top and hat were all made by me….will that do?