Icing sugar is way better than playdough
You’ll be pleased to know that while driving to, around, and from Adelaide over the past four days, I managed to do plenty of crochet. I finished a top for myself! Here’s a sneak peak, because I haven’t blocked it yet and I think it really needs it.
I’m also halfway through a tunic top for Clare. Have hook, will travel! HUGE thankyou to Mr Thornberry for doing almost all of the driving and allowing me to crochet away happily.
Our trip to visit my in-laws went well. The kids travelled brilliantly, mostly just chatting, reading, colouring, and mainly looking out the window. Did I forget to say eating treats? We tried to stop fairly often for them to have a quick run around. The Melbourne-Adelaide trip took us ten hours including breaks (and all without a portable DVD player). Phew! While in Adelaide we spent all our time with family. Oma and Opa really enjoyed watching the girls play, and Clare had a brilliant time with my sister-in-law making tiny sculptures from icing sugar. A bird in a nest on top of a tree:
Some teeny-weeny vegemite sandwiches and ham/cheese/tomato sandwiches:
And Clare’s favourites, Pinky the snail and Orangey the snake. Both complete with plaited hair, and platters of food for their lunch.
My sister-in-law is an award winning pastry chef and cake decorator, and it was so nice of her to spend so much time with Clare making things! Stella had a go too – she called it play-dough, but I reckon that icing is way better! It was a very memorable trip in many, many ways.
No DVD palyer – Yeah you guys! Glad to see that the girls had a great time and that snail is fantastic
So brave without a DVD player!! Glad they travelled well x
Can’t wait to see the top, the colours are intriguing. Icing sugar sounds like great entertainment, some ideas there for birthday cakes to come
wow!! how wonderful – and i really like the top – wonderful colours!