craft, sewing

A flag for Opa

In a couple of days time we’ll be heading over to Adelaide to visit my in-laws.  We last saw them at Christmas, and this visit will be a particularly poignant one because my father-in-law has malignant mesothelioma.  My brother-in-law and sister-in-law have been doing a sterling job of looking after Opa and Oma, and suggested that Opa would appreciate a Dutch flag to go on his gofer.

Dutch flag for Opa by you.

Now, you’d reckon that with a fabric stash like mine it wouldn’t be too difficult to make a simple tricoloured flag?  Wrong!  Almost every fabric in my stash is a print.  Lucky for me I had some small solid remnants that Nikki had given me a little while ago that were the perfect colours.  I haven’t got the proportions of the flag quite right – it should be a 2:3 ratio and it’s more like a 2:2.5, but I’ve done it as well as I could.  We hope that it does bring a smile to his face.