patterns, planned projects, sewing, Sunday Stash

Sunday Stash #42

Don’t faint with the shock – I have no new fabrics to show you!  I’ve been drip-feeding my last purchases to Sunday Stash over the past couple of months and haven’t been buying any more, despite the plethora of excellent fabric sales that have been around recently (Nikki has been buying up at those sales instead).  The cupboards are full!  However, I can show you these marvellous Ottobre pattern magazines.

Ottobre Received August/Sept 09 by you.

I recently subscribed to Ottobre through Crafty Mamas after reading many positive reports on their designs.  I am now itching to make something.  Once I get my deadline projects completed I’ll probably begin with some pants for Clare – yes, a miracle has occurred!  After years of exclusively wearing skirts and dresses (with some leggings underneath) Clare has decided that she does want to wear pants occasionally.  Because Ottobre comes from Europe the seasons are back to front for us here in Australia, so there is no pressure to get any of these made before summer – they’re all autumn/winter clothes.