Day: 13 September 2009

craft, miscellaneous

New crayons from old

Clare has been at me to make her some new crayons from old broken ones after seeing (and buying) some recycled crayons at Made’n’Thornbury last weekend.  There are loads of tutorials on the net explaining how to do this – I used this one and this one as a guide, so I’m not claiming to be doing anything original.  Here’s our version:

Clare making new crayons from old by you.

Peel the paper off the bits of old broken crayon, and place the crayon pieces  into an old muffin tin.  Clare chose to keep her crayons in colour groupings, but you could really go to town with how you combine them.

Making new crayons from old by you.

I pre-heated the oven to 150 degrees C, and placed the tin into it.  Melting crayons smell a lot like melting candles.  We kept a fairly close eye on them and I think it only took around 10 minutes for them to look like this.

Melted crayons by you.

We’d missed taking the paper wrapping off one of the yellow crayons – you can see it in the photo, unmelted.  After letting the tray cool down for about 10 minutes I popped it in the freezer.  And when it was nice and cold and the crayons were completey hard Clare levered them out of the tin.

New chunky crayons by you.

They’re nice and chunky and she’s really enjoyed seeing what effects she can get colouring with these.  Stella has enjoyed them too.

Clare's new chunky crayons by you.

To finish the fun for the day the girls got their hands into some goop made from cornflour, water and food colouring (there are lots of recipes for this on the net too – try here or here or here or here).

Playing with goo by you.

I’d never played with goop before (shame on me, former science teacher!) and it was loads of fun.  I highly recommend it!

patterns, planned projects, sewing, Sunday Stash

Sunday Stash #42

Don’t faint with the shock – I have no new fabrics to show you!  I’ve been drip-feeding my last purchases to Sunday Stash over the past couple of months and haven’t been buying any more, despite the plethora of excellent fabric sales that have been around recently (Nikki has been buying up at those sales instead).  The cupboards are full!  However, I can show you these marvellous Ottobre pattern magazines.

Ottobre Received August/Sept 09 by you.

I recently subscribed to Ottobre through Crafty Mamas after reading many positive reports on their designs.  I am now itching to make something.  Once I get my deadline projects completed I’ll probably begin with some pants for Clare – yes, a miracle has occurred!  After years of exclusively wearing skirts and dresses (with some leggings underneath) Clare has decided that she does want to wear pants occasionally.  Because Ottobre comes from Europe the seasons are back to front for us here in Australia, so there is no pressure to get any of these made before summer – they’re all autumn/winter clothes.