Day: 6 September 2009


HAC workshop – spool holder

What a superb afternoon!  Women together, sharing in the fun of making Kirsty’s spool holders and some other crafting pursuits on the side.  Kirsty has some lovely photos of us all here.  This is my finished spool holder.

HAC workshop - spool holder by you.

I decided to line the back of mine with some Lara Cameron fabric that I’ve had sitting in the stash for so long it must be almost vintage.  The spool holder is now up on the wall and in action holding thread.

HAC workshop - spool holder in action by you.

Whittling the pencils down to size was strangely therapeutic, and surprisingly I didn’t cut myself.  Glue drying time was put to good use with crochet, quilting, hexagon piecing, embroidery, Tupperware catalogues and other crafts.  I think that the best bit though was the chat – on all sorts of topics.  Kirsty was definitely the host with the most and she’s really too clever for words.  Thanks to Kirsty and to everyone else who was there for a delightful day.  I wonder when we get to do it again?