2009 CAL afghan, crochet

September CAL squares

It’s a little strange how one month I can barely be bothered crocheted the two CAL squares, but the next month I’m raring to go!  The September squares are done.  The Craftster square is Vera’s Spike Stitch Daisy.

September Craftster CAL Square - Vera's Spike Stitch Daisy by you.

The Ravelry square is New Year’s Eve.

September Ravelry 2009 CAL Square - New Year's Eve by you.

This was a really enjoyable and effective square.  Both are done in Cleckheaton’s Vintage Hues, with a 6.5mm bamboo hook.

I suspect that part of the reason that I enjoyed crocheting these two so much was that I’m procrastinating a little with my square for The Quilt Project.  I’ve finished the main central doily and four little flower motifs, and am a bit paralysed about what to do next.  I’m also extremely intimidated by the quality and creativeness of the squares already completed and showcased on the Flickr group.  Wow, these women are amazingly talented!  I keep trying to reassure with something I read on a blog recently – that you need some plainer/simpler squares so that the others can truly shine.  Looks like that’s where I fit in!

Off to a garage sale and the Made’n’Thornbury Market this morning while Clare is at gymnastics class, then off to a fun-filled afternoon of HAC craft with Kirsty helping us to make spool holders.  Sounds like a great day ahead!