Day: 14 August 2009

children's clothing, kids clothing, sewing

Charm squares skirt

I ordered a pack of charm squares ages ago with no specific plan for their use.  Last week I chanced upon this tutorial and soon the squares became a skirt for Clare.

Charm square skirt - front by you.

The fabrics are all from Moda’s American Jane line.  The fabric for the hem and waist bands and ties came from Craft Depot (big thanks to Amy for the heads up on where I could find it – and on sale too!)

Charm square skirt - back by you.

I made the ties the full width of the fabric, so they are quite long and wrap around to be tied in a huge bow wherever Clare wants it to be.  She had a lovely time deciding which square should go where – it took us ages to get the layout to her satisfaction!  Now we hope that by spring this will still fit nicely.  It’s bright and colourful and doesn’t contain any PINK!  What a lovely change.