craft, crochet

A little more hip hooking

May’s Hip to Hook parcel from Sarah London had these yarns in it:

Hip to Hook May 09 by you.

with which I proceded to make some Pop Wheels and sew them together into a larger block (badly – reminder to self: must improve joining technique when sewing blocks together rather than crocheting them together) without having woven the yarn ends in first  (reminder to self: weave in yarn ends before photographing any crochet – blog finished doesn’t work well with yarn).

Hip to Hook, May 2009 - pop wheels by you.

At this stage I think I’ll make another three groups of four pop wheels using the yarn colours I received in the previous months of Hip to Hook and maybe turn them into a cushion.

Speaking of cushions, here is how another couple of the Hip to Hook stitch patterns are progressing.  The Larksfoot stich pattern from April is all ready to be backed.

Hip to Hook 2009 - April, Larksfoot stitch pattern by you.

The ripple stitch pattern from March is not yet quite big enough to fold in half and seam into a cushion.

Hip to Hook 2009 - March, Ripple stitch pattern by you.

Each month I’m doing two rows using the two yarns that Sarah sends, then doing two more rows using another two yarns from my stash.  It’s interesting seeing how the colour combinations develop.  I wonder what colours I’ll receive in June!