Day: 22 May 2009


Other people’s giveaways


Tania of Jet Beads and Craft is having a not one, but two giveaways, one for Australians and one for overseas – details are here.  You have the opportunity to win your choice of two patterns plus (if you’re an Australian) a craft book from her shop.  Tania has a great range at good prices – I first met her online when I purchased some Melly & Me patterns from her, and since then have met her in real life.  She’s a lovely woman who is very generous!  Pop over and enter!

Sewn button

SEWN is a new quilting and sewing community website that will be launched in June.  They are having some giveaways to celebrate.  The creative director of the website is Sarah Fielke, co-author of the Material Obsession quilting books.  Well worth a look!