crochet, wool-eater blanket

Wool Eater progresses

Firstly, thank you all so much for the lovely comments you left about my quilt!  I am feeling rather chuffed, I must admit, and your positive feedback was extremely encouraging.  I can tell that I could get a teeny weeny (or tiny winy, as Clare would say) bit addicted to this quilting caper.

But onward to the Wool Eater blanket!  All ten colours are finally in use, and I’m on to the second round for each.

Clare's Wool Eater Blanket - 12 rows done by you.

I was a little unsure about the white when I was crocheting it, but once the next two colours had been added I could see that it was really going to lift the whole colour scheme.

Clare's Wool Eater Blanket - 12 rows done, detail by you.

Each successive row adds a whole new dimension to this blanket!  I think it will have three rows of each colour before it is done (maybe even a little more).  It’s now getting a bit too big to carry around in my handbag, so progress might slow down a little.  We’ll see!