craft, miscellaneous, sewing


Clare and I went to a delightful little community market on Saturday, the Made’n’Thornbury market.  There are photos over here and here and here.  There was a lovely community atmosphere, face painting and a craft table for the kids was provided free of charge, and the stall holders showed off their creativity with original, crafty wares.  A few bits and pieces came home with me:

Made'n'Thornbury market buys by you.

A Luckie (collage kit) from Tinniegirl, a flower brooch kit from CurlyPops (Clare began assembling it this afternoon) and a beautiful bowl from Finki.  I met some people whose blogs I read, my bag was recognised by another clever blogger/crafter (and therefore my identity was revealed!), and I even ran in to Nikki, Leah and Ann-Marie.  I think it’s time to organise a Melbourne Northern Suburbs (and further afield, if interested) blogmeet.  Any takers?