Day: 29 March 2009

craft, miscellaneous, sewing


Clare and I went to a delightful little community market on Saturday, the Made’n’Thornbury market.  There are photos over here and here and here.  There was a lovely community atmosphere, face painting and a craft table for the kids was provided free of charge, and the stall holders showed off their creativity with original, crafty wares.  A few bits and pieces came home with me:

Made'n'Thornbury market buys by you.

A Luckie (collage kit) from Tinniegirl, a flower brooch kit from CurlyPops (Clare began assembling it this afternoon) and a beautiful bowl from Finki.  I met some people whose blogs I read, my bag was recognised by another clever blogger/crafter (and therefore my identity was revealed!), and I even ran in to Nikki, Leah and Ann-Marie.  I think it’s time to organise a Melbourne Northern Suburbs (and further afield, if interested) blogmeet.  Any takers?

fabric stash, Sunday Stash

Sunday Stash #18

If all goes according to plan these fabrics won’t be in the stash for too much longer!  These are the fabrics I’ve chosen to sash, back and bind the Mod Sampler Quilt I’m planning on making.

Mod sampler quilt backing fabrics by you.

Off-white for sashing, black and white stripe for binding, and the other two fabrics will be pieced together for the back.  I’ve got a mix of red, black, white and off-white in my fabrics for the front of the quilt, so here’s hoping that the white/off-white will be okay together when it’s all constructed.  These fabrics all came from Amitie.  Thanks again Tamara for hosting Sunday Stash.

If you’d like to increase or vary your stash a little, Sheridan is running a Vintage Sheet Swap.  Remember the very successful one run last year by Elizabeth of Oh, Fransson!?  This one is especially good for Aussies (although it is open to everyone everywhere) because it is Australian based and postage won’t be prohibitive.  So pop on over and sign up!