Day: 27 March 2009

craft, embroidery, sewing

Girls night out cushion

Do you remember the big granny?  And the owl and name embroidery I eventually completed at Brown Owls last year?  They’ve been combined together into a cushion, with a little help from an op-shop tablecloth.

Girls Night Out Cushion - side 2 by you.

And the other side:

Girls Night Out cushion - side 1 by you.

I don’t know which side I like best!  And why “Girls night out”?  Because that it when the components were crafted – the crochet at a friend’s house one evening, the embroidery at Brown Owls.

crochet, wool-eater blanket

Has this become a crochet blog?

There appear to be more posts about crochet on this blog lately than anything else.  Whatever happened to the bags, the embroidery, the clothes?  Especially the clothes – I really need some new dresses for work!  But the call of the hook is strong.  Here are the flower motifs I made from my March hip to hook parcel.

Flower motif - Hip to Hook March 09 by you.

I made six of these little beauties, and wrapped them in a vintage embroidered cloth for a friend’s 40th birthday gift.  I’m not quite certain what they will become (coasters?  embellishments?  framed as a picture?  part of something else? scarf endings? did she mention pasties?) but I hope that she liked them – I think she did!

I have also made a little progress on the Wool Eater Blanket.  Seven colours done, another three colours still to add.

Edited to add: The above link to the Wool Eater Blanket pattern is no longer available.  The pattern came from Sarah London, who can be contacted through her blog here.  I have also noticed that it looks a lot like what is called Bavarian Crochet.

Wool Eater Blanket progress - 7 colours by you.

I sat in a cosy pub crocheting away happily with other Brown Owls on Monday night, a drink of brandy and dry in front of me after finishing my dinner of pate.  Pip observed that I was being very retro… 

But there is a mistake in my blanket!  The light in the pub was pretty dim and I was clearly distracted by the conversation and maybe the brandy.  Can you spot the error?  I’m too many rows further along to pull it out and correct it now.  I may pretend that it is a deliberate mistake, in the same way as Amish Quilters were thought to purposely include a mistake in their quilts.