miscellaneous, planned projects, quilting, work in progress

Sneak peak

I’ve been working on a test-sewing project which has taught me a whole lot of new skills!  Until I can post about it properly, here’s a sneak peek:

IMG_8132 by you.

Free-motion machine quilting!  I’ve NEVER done anything like it before, but tracked down a foot that would fit my 20-year-old machine and just went for it.  Lots and lots of fun!  Lots and lots of improvement needed (I have Kellie to inspire me with her astoundingly beautiful quilting) but I’m glad I’ve given it a go.

My computer is having apoplexy at the moment and is crashing constantly, so it is about to head off to Henry the computer guru for a checkup.  The blog may be quiet for a short while.  While I’m computerless I’ll be whipping up some bags for rainbow comfort packs, finding some recipes, collecting a few supplies to re-stash a crafter, and crocheting beanies in the long-term.  There are loads of suggestions for other things you can do here.