adult's clothing, patterns

New Look 6705 again

I have made this top before, but this time I used some lovely Libery tana lawn that had been given to me by a very good friend (any friend who gives away Liberty fabrics must be a very good friend indeed).

New Look 6705 by you.

Stella wasn’t going to leave me alone to have this one photographed!  When I made this almost a year ago I was a little trimmer, but it is a very forgiving fit.  I am actually quite a fan of “maternity-esque” styles that are loose around the waist and tummy, because those are my problem areas.  I don’t care if people wonder if there is more to my tummy (there isn’t – it’s just fat), I find them much more comfortable than more fitted styles.  That said, if tops are too loose they make me look much bigger than I am, so there is definitely a happy middle ground.

Liberty top - detail by you.

Those centre tucks are a nice design detail and provide plenty of ease for the boobs.  The bias binding armhole finish is simple and keeps the edges looking nice and clean.

Liberty top by you.

I think that it looks better on me than on the hanger.