bags, children's clothing, kids clothing, sewing

Ballerina bag

At 10.00pm the evening before Clare’s birthday, I suddenly remembered that I hadn’t finished making one of her birthday presents.  I’d barely started.  It has been cut out, waiting for me to sew it up, for about two months.  Since it’s an awfully long time before next Christmas or her next birthday, I launched myself at the sewing machine and had this bag finished and myself in bed before midnight.

Ballerina Bag by you.

The pattern is by Jodie and was published in Patchwork & Stitching, Vol 8 No 12.   It’s very simple – a tote bag variation – but it has the nicest details with the shape, tulle “skirt” and button, and it’s fully lined.  A delightful pattern Jodie!

Ballerina Bag - detail by you.

I’ve had this fabric in my stash for a little while just waiting for a project like this.  The button and trim are vintage.  Tulle from Spotlight.

Clare loves her bag!  We’ve been in to see the Fairies at the Fitzroy Gardens this morning, and she carried it with her the whole time.  Thanks for the lovely birthday wishes.  Clare had a really marvellous day – the morning’s party was perfect.  Hubby did a magic show for the kids, they played pass the parcel, tunnelball, had a dance party in the garage, did a craft activity, and generally had an absolute ball.  She even had her best friend stay for a sleepover last night.  Oh, to be a six year old! 

I’m also very excited – I’m off to Ballarat tomorrow morning for the Blogmeet!  I’m catching the train so I’ll have plenty of crochet time there and back, and I’m going on my own for some much needed Lara time.  I am so looking forward to finally meeting these gals “in real life” – since I already feel that they are old friends.