Day: 24 December 2008

miscellaneous, musings

Season’s Greetings

It’s the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a child is stirring – but mummy is extremely busy trying to get all those last minute things done!  Almost there, and almost time for me to head off to bed too.  Just need to pack a couple of bags for tomorrow, insert elastic into the knickers that match Stella’s Christmas dress (how is that for last minute?) and fold the washing.  And become Santa’s helper, of course.

It's a tree! by you.

Notice the rather bare tree?  It actually does have quite a lot of decorations but you can’t see them in this photo – they’re all at the top, out of Stella’s reach.  Merry Christmas to all!  Have a terrific holiday and festive season.  Thank you all for reading my blog, for commenting, for encouraging, for inspiring, for supporting, and for being so much fun.

craft, crochet, sewing, yarn stash

A couple more stash additions

When I was visiting my parents in the country a week ago we visited a fantastic patchwork and quilt shop.  They were selling vintage buttons on consignment for an elderly lady who lived in a retirement village nearby.  Of course, I added some to my stash.

Vintage button haul by you.

Apparently most of these date back to the forties and fifties.  The large one was $2 – the small ones 50c each.  Bargain.  The lady selling them was a collector.

This beautiful yarn comes from Live 2 Knit.

 Ginger yarn in Scorcery colour from Live 2 Knit by you.

It has been hand dyed, and is a merino/silk/sterling silver mix.  The colourway is called Sorcery.  Just gorgeous.