craft, miscellaneous

To market, to market

But not to buy a fat pig.  While Clare was enjoying a party on Saturday I popped over to the Sisters’ Market to have a little browse and be inspired by many a crafty woman.  It seemed as though half of Melbourne was there too – the place was packed with stalls and it was almost difficult to squeeze through and see what was on offer.  First up was the latest issue of Mixtape, hot off the presses. 

 Sister's Market Oct 08 by you.

I adore the cover illustration!  It was great to meet Justine for the second time – she (and Nichola) have done such a brilliant job with this little crafty zine.   I am always a little overcome when I meet bloggers “in real life” and have to fight the urge to call them by their blog name.  The gorgeous trim and badges are from Shannon of Aunty Cookie fame.  I made a bag from her fabric earlier in the year, and there is more fabric in the stash… which I promised Shannon to use and not save for a rainy day!  There were many more wonderful craftspeople selling their wares but since I am on a budget at the moment I restrained myself.

On Sunday the whole family headed off to the Shirt and Skirt Markets at the Abbotsford Convent.  What a beautiful venue!  The market is set out around the grounds of the convent, amongst many huge old trees and the architecture is inspiring.  Once again the stalls were fantastic (many had been at the market the day before) and the atmosphere was very relaxing.  We had lunch at Lentil As Anything, a vegetarian restaurant where you pay what you think your meal is worth (within your means).  The food was excellent!  While wandering around we bumped into Nikki, so I got to talk bags, craft and blogging while hubby kept the kids entertained.  We finished off the day with a drink at Handsome Steve’s House of Refreshment, where hubby stunned Handsome Steve by reeling off information about his parents and childhood activities – it turns out that they grew up in the same country town.  Of course, we didn’t leave the market completely empty-handed.

Skirt & shirt market by you.

One hairclip for Clare (daddy was a softie), one button bracelet for Clare (mummy was a softie) and a whole lot of business cards.  Clare quickly worked out that I wasn’t buying anything but would collect a business card from anyone who had things I particularly liked.  She then made it her mission to collect as many business cards as possible from anyone who had things that she particularly liked, and slip them into my pocket.  Clever girl!