fabric stash, sewing, Sunday Stash

Sunday Stash #3

Like many young Australians, in my early twenties I headed off to London for a year to work and travel around Europe (I managed to fit in Morocco and Egypt as well).  Mum came to visit for a month while I was based in the UK, and during our travels we came across the factory of Linton Tweeds, in Carlisle.  They produce woven boucles and tweeds etc for the likes of Chanel. 

Sunday stash - Linton boucle by you.

So here is my little piece of designer fabric – now 15 years old, and still not transformed into the Chanel-type jacket it was originally destined to become.  The colour is even brighter in reality; somewhere between pink and purple.  I’m glad I kept the receipt – looking at Linton’s mail-order website they now charge around 25 pounds per metre.

Thanks to Tamara for Sunday Stash!  Pop over to her blog to find out who else is playing along.