books, craft, crochet, miscellaneous, op-shopping

What a lovely Saturday

I love watching the hot air balloons over the city in the mornings.

Saturday morning balloons over the city by you.

Stella has been sleeping until at least 5.30am for the past two weeks.  It’s fantastic!  Some days she sleeps even longer – she comes into bed with us for a drink, then dozes off for another hour or two.  Very sweet!  On Saturday she didn’t wake until after 6.00am (a good thing, because I’d been out at a formal dinner on Friday night and only just managed not to turn into a pumpkin).  The weather was perfect for the balloons, and it stayed perfect all day.  Not hot, not windy, just pleasant.

Clare and I popped into a garage sale between visiting the optometrist (she can wean off the eye patch – yay!) and going to Bollywood dancing class (Clare, not me).  I found these two gems:

Garage sale - bag and book by you.

A bag by Miss M, in perfect condition inside and out (it looks better in real life than in the photo) and Golden Hands Complete Crafts.  Both for the princely total of $3.  The bag is a great size to carry books.  While Clare was busy with her Bollywood dancing I was able to sit outside in the warmth and crochet unencumbered for an hour.  Once home from that we collected the rest of the family and headed over to hubby’s best friend’s house for a birthday celebration.  We spent the whole afternoon chatting, eating, drinking and for me – crocheting!

Chevron cardigan - front/back, starting sleeve by you.

The back/front of the chevron cardigan is finished, although there are still an awful lot of ends to weave in.  Sleeve #1 has just been started.  There is no way that this will fit Stella for another year at least, but it’s an enjoyable crochet.

The children played together beautifully, my teenage nephew did a super job of entertaining the littlies, and a marvellous time was had by all.  Lovely weather, great company, sustenance – all very good for the soul.