fabric stash, sewing

Share your stash week – Sunday

There is no possible way that one week would be long enough for me to share my stash.  The shelves are very crowded!  Thankfully Tamara is going to pick up where Mikes is leaving off, by starting up a regular Sunday Stash meme.  Yay!  So, onto the next instalment in June’s fabric stash…

June's stash - 80s A by you.

Mostly John Kaldor prints, once again.  These are all slippery polyester.

June's stash - 80s B by you.

And some more slippery polyester (with some crepe on the left).

June's stash - 80s C by you.

And these two are definitely 80s colours.  So, stay tuned for more fabric stash love next week!