Day: 1 October 2008

this is ...

This is … show off time

When May the cloth be with you announced last week’s theme, I was a bit stuck.  Isn’t my whole blog show off time?  So like Nikki I decided to show off for someone else.

My dad is 81.  After he retired he took up woodturning as a hobby.  He progressed from turning bowls to making major pieces of furniture.  These are some of his completed projects, mostly made over the last ten to fifteen years.

Bryan built - sideboard by you.

Bryan built - coffee table & bookshelf by you.

Bryan built - shaker table by you.

Bryan built - dressing table by you.

Bryan built - hall table by you.

And in addition to those are my bed, another coffee table, Clare’s bed, Clare’s bedside table/drawers, yet another coffee table, a dining table, a chair, a cheval mirror, another bedside table, a hall table … and there is possibly more.  And that is just in MY house – there is yet more beautiful furniture at my parent’s house and at my brother’s house (and in the houses of various relatives around the country).

Yay Dad!  What a talent.  His current project – a cubby house for the girls for Christmas.  Pretty good for an old guy, I reckon!  Mum reads my blog, so it’s likely that she’ll drag Dad over to have a look at his work on the internet for the world to see.  Thanks again to Angela for hosting “This is” and to Sharon for being the guest hostess with the mostess!

fabric stash, sewing

Share your stash week – Wednesday

Meet Me at Mikes is currently hosting Share Your Stash – favourite fabrics out of the closet.  There are plenty of fabrics in my closet to share!  I’ll try to post one each day for the next week or so.  To start off with, my most recent fabric purchase – a lawn remnant from Spotlight, $2 for around 1.5 metres.

Share your stash - brown lawn by you.

They’re all my colours!  This photo was taken with a flash, so it’s not quite accurate, but not too bad.  This one is for me, not for the kids.