
History repeats

When I was a little girl I absolutely ADORED Barbie.  Eventually I had around seven Barbie dolls, along with various accessories.  Including this:

History repeats - barbie townhouse by you.

The Barbie Townhouse, circa early 1970s!  Clare is having a little holiday with here grandparents this week, and yesterday they set up the townhouse which had been packed away in a high cupboard (yes, I kept the original boxes – I was that sort of child).  Along with the Barbie Beach Bus, loads of furniture (which was generally for another doll called Sindy – anyone remember her?) and five of my old Barbie dolls.  I think that Mum is feeling a definitely sense of deja vu.

We are a house of illness at the moment – Miss Clare missed the last three days of school last week, and Miss Stella has been sick since Sunday.  I’m not too well either, but you know how it is when you’re the mother – you have no choice but to keep on going; without the captain the ship will sink!

IMG_5720 Stella by you.

Stella is suddenly becoming much more a toddler and less and less a baby – her babyhood seems to have passed me in a blink.  She now has molars, is continuing to climb onto whatever she can get up on, and has extended her reach so that items that were formerly safe on high benches are no longer so.  And her hair has thickened up – she has quite a baby mullet going on at the moment!

thornberry manga avatar by you.

You’ve probably seen these little manga avatars around the blogs at the moment.  This one is supposed to be me.  A far more attractive me, I reckon.  Any resemblance, do you think?  It was fun to put together, regardless.  You can do one yourself over at this website.

Nothing about craft in this post – hold on for the next one!