this is ...

This is … what I want to be when I grow up

Unlike some of the other bloggers who have already responded to this meme, when I was a child I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up.  I didn’t even have much idea when I was doing year 12, but studied sciences “to keep my options open”.  When I started uni I still didn’t really know what I wanted to be.  In the end I have had some dramatic career changes; first I became a teacher, then I worked in the funeral industry, then I went back to uni again and now I work in health care.  Finally I know what I want to DO when I grow up in terms of my paid career – what I’m doing now – but that is a little different to what I want to BE!  I think that maybe they are different things …

When I grow up I want to be: healthy, resilient, wise, clever, empathetic, relaxed, witty, knowledgeable.

My brother has always known what he wanted to be when he grew up.  Although we grew up in country Victoria, since the age of four he has wanted to be a fisherman, and now he is a skipper of one of Australia’s top big game fishing boats.  He has had such drive and dedication towards his goal; even as a teenager he researched what he would need to do and contacted his fishing “idols” for advice.  I am very, very proud of my little brother and what he has achieved.  Yay Ross!