craft, sewing, this is ...

This is … what I do with a spare 10 minutes

Coincidentally, my previous post was also about what I managed to achieve in a spare ten minutes!  But really, if I do have a “spare” ten minutes, I am probably doing pretty much the same thing as Nikki has described: reading bloglines, trawling Amazon craft books, or drooling over fabric from online fabric stores. 

Actually, it is difficult to define what a “spare” ten minutes would be!  I never get everything done that I have to do or want to do, so in some ways no time is spare.  But ten minutes that I have a modicum of control over?  Well, I managed to finished these little zippered pouches in ten-minute bursts over a two week period.

Zippered pouches by you.

Ten minutes if I’m out somewhere?  I pull out the crochet – I rarely travel without it – and hook a row or two!  Although I am trying to use the odd spare ten minutes to chill out a bit – just have a drink and stare into space a little.  I’m not very good at chilling out.

Thanks again to Hoppo Bumpo for a great theme (her post on what she’d do with her spare ten minutes really resonated with me!), and to Handmaiden for guest hosting and Three Buttons for coming up with the whole meme!