miscellaneous, this is ...

This is … my favourite band of all time

I’m not really the type of gal that has a favourite band of all time (although I don’t really know what type of gal that would be).  Originally I thought this week’s theme might be beyond me, but I’ve really enjoyed reading what others have to say!  Especially the descriptions of the first concerts they attended. 

Other than the ubiqitous and adored Abba (we had copies of The Best of Abba and Abba Arrival), one of the first “grown-up” albums that I remember listening to (maybe it was Mum’s) was a cassette tape of Diana Trask.  I loved it.  It was right up there with  The Nolan Sisters.  I think that I had both on fairly high rotation.  Although the other kids at primary school loved Sherbet and the Bay City Rollers, I was never into them.  The first album I remember buying myself was Split Enz’s True Colours.  I also remember owning a copy of Make It Big by Wham!  I started buying Kate Ceberano’s albums after first hearing her sing with I’m Talking back when I was first at uni.  I still love her music today!

And concerts?  One of the first rock/pop concerts I went to was the Uncanny X-Men, at Festival Hall.  Some sort of school fund-raiser, of all things!  Brian Mannix distinguished himself by vomiting on stage.  Not charming.  In my uni days I also saw Sting, Robert Palmer and Eurythmics.  Annie Lennox was absolutely superb – it was during the short blonde hair, white shirt, red bra period.  What a concert!  I still remember it incredibly well, and it must have been around twenty years ago (showing my age again).  Who else have I seen perform since then?  Kate Ceberano numerous times, Vika and Linda Bull numerous times, and Coco’s Lunch a few times.  I’ve been to the Port Fairy Folk Festival a few times.  I saw Cher perform a few years ago.  Great concert!  And let’s not forget one of the most fun concerts I’ve ever been to – Barry Manilow!  Go on, laugh – but that guy has great songs and he’s a brilliant performer.  I know I’ve left lots out, but maybe this is a good time to stop reminiscing – especially if you’re now humming “Copacabana”, “I Write The Songs” or “Mandy”…