craft, crochet, patterns, planned projects, sewing

The postman rings twice

As you know, when I don’t have much time for crafting myself I seem to rely on my postman to bring me crafty goodness.  These arrived on Monday in two deliveries:

postman rings twice by you.

The beautiful mini patchfolio is from Linda at Craft Apple as a little thankyou for testing her car organiser pattern.  It is absolutely gorgeous – what a delightful combination of fabrics!

Mini patchfolio inside by you.

The inside fabrics are particularly lovely together.  I intend to use this patchfolio for noting craft and sewing inspiration.  Thank you again Linda!

The other delivery was a crochet book (via Amazon):

Crochet bouquet by you.

There are lots of lovely floral motifs in this book.  I must have been inspired because I found enough time to flick through the book properly and then to make this Gazania for a work colleague.

Gazania for Jess by you.

It has a brooch back attached to it.  I’ve been crocheting at work in my morning tea and lunch breaks lately, and Jess has been fascinated about the whole process.  I reckon that I might be able to get her hooked too!

I had better get up to the sewing room while Stella has her day sleep – Nikki has a fantastic giveaway going on her blog for her latest bag pattern, the Teardrop.  And since I am a tester and she needs some feedback before she can actually give away her bag pattern and kit, it’s time for me to get cracking!  Jump over to her blog and leave a comment to be in the running to win a kit.