Day: 20 July 2008

miscellaneous, musings, this is ...

This is … what makes me happy

A photo of my children is predictable, isn’t it?

Watching Clare and Stella play and laugh together makes me happy.  I am often astounded at how much pleasure I receive in watching them giggle and interact, especially now that Stella is old enough to play in a more deliberate way.

This also makes me happy.

Learning a new skill.  Sewing, putting pattern and colour together, seeing something grow that wasn’t there before.

Amazon also makes me happy!

What else makes me happy?  Hubby, of course!  My parents, my extended family, my friends.  Looking across Melbourne on a chilly winter morning watching the hot air balloons floating over the city.  A cup of decaf coffee and a caramel slice.  A night of uninterrupted sleep.  Time on my own.  Being up to date with the ironing (that one is especially for you Freya).  Theatre and musicals.  Having actually finished reading the assigned book in time for book group.  Dinner out with my mother’s group.  Time on my own.  Good food.  Good wine.  Friday afternoons.  Nice comments on my blog.  Living in Australia.  Good health.  Community.  Finally succeeding with breastfeeding.  Visiting craft markets.  Managing to keep the balls I’m juggling all up in the air.  Counting my blessings.  And have I mentioned time on my own?

Thanks again to Angela for hosting “this is” and to Jacinta for a truly wonderful, thought provoking theme.

craft, sewing, softies

Kitty – Softie for Mirabel

Why do I procrastinate for so long – it probably only took about four hours from cutting out to the final stitch of embroidery.  Here is my Softie for Mirabel.

This is Kitty, made from a Wee Wonderfuls pattern (with permission to donate for charity auction).  Of course, Stella seems quite taken by Kitty, and Clare wants one as well.  Looks like there is more softie making in my future.

I didn’t complete any of the other crafty tasks I’d set myself over the weekend, but instead managed to spend some hours cuddling a friend’s beautiful one-week old baby.  Newborns are so tiny and precious!  That wispy hair!  That fuzzy gaze!  Those slow-motion movements!  Stella seemed huge in comparison, as she climbed onto chairs and tables (and promptly fell off).