miscellaneous, this is ...

This is … my best op shop find

You all know what my absolute best op shop find is – the Golden Hands series that I found a couple of weeks ago!  My other favourite op shop find isn’t quite from an op shop – it was from one of those second-hand/bric-a-brac/”antique” places – but it was still a bargain (around $5 around ten years ago) and I love it.

Yes, it’s an ash tray, and no, I don’t smoke – but I love objects made of glass.  It has a lovely weight, and the gold flecks inside are a gorgeous contrast to the red and clear glass outside.

I had a theory at one stage that I was going to collect heavy glassware.  The collection hasn’t really grown past two pieces, mostly due to lack of room (and finances) but I do also have a divine Kosta Boda bowl that I bought in Sweden many many years ago that was extremely bloody heavy to cart around in a backpack, let me tell you!  Thanks again to Angela for hosting and to Lino Forest for this week’s theme.