
Mossy Cowl

When in need of some instant satisfaction, try crocheting a scarf!  I started the Mossy Cowl on Friday, finished it on Saturday.  Apologies in advance for the dodgy photos; the best that I could manage today unfortunately!

This is a great alternative to a scarf – it doesn’t fall off, yet provides that nice warmth around the neck.  It’s crocheted in Yarn Barn kid mohair (two strands held together), using a No.8 bamboo hook.

It’s quite difficult to describe the colour of this yarn accurately – none of the photos have it right.  It is mostly brown, with flecks of teal, red, and other colours throughout.  The stitches are super-easy and effective, with combinations of front post stitches.  I hadn’t done any of them before, so it was good to add another type of stitch to my repetoire!

I’m running a little behind with this week’s “this is”, but will get there eventually!  Too much to do this evening and too little time.  Must dash – goodnight all!