books, craft, patterns, sewing

Patterns … Demystified!

By now some of you will realise that a couple of days ago I had a piece about Patterns … Demystified! published on the Sew, Mama, Sew! blog.  I was extremely flattered to be asked to contribute to Women’s Clothing Month, and really enjoyed the opportunity to be part of such an exciting sewing website.  So if you haven’t come across it yet, I’m going to blow my own trumpet, and suggest that you pop over and have a read  (I’m feeling rather proud of myself).  Thanks so much to the Sew, Mama, Sew! team for inviting me to take part, and to everyone who left such lovely comments on my article.  I’m glad to have been of help!

I’ve had very little sewing time lately, so because I don’t like to post without a photo, here is my sewing library (the books only – there are loads of magazines shelved elsewhere in my cupboards).

Most of these are recently published.  Now that I sit back and look at them, I realise that over the years most of my sewing knowledge came from my mother, from library books, and from trial and error, and is mostly to be found in my head rather than in my personal sewing library.  My memory can’t be quite as much of a sieve as I thought it had become after all!