miscellaneous, this is ...

This is … my favourite book

Each week I await the announcement of the following Sunday’s “this is … ” with a little excitement and a little trepidation.  Will it be too hard for my overfull, addled brain?  And this week, we have “this is my favourite book”.  How on earth to decide?  I like most books, for all sorts of reasons!  Eventually I thought that I should let my first impulse rule the day.  This is my favourite book.

Why?  Firstly, it reminds me of my Gran.  She started me off on the “Anne of Green Gables” books when I was quite young, and I adored them.  I still do!  Secondly, it’s a great read; incredibly evocative in its descriptions.  Thirdly, the main character is fantastic.  Considering the time in which the novel was written, she’s a terrific female role model.  And the male lead isn’t half bad either!  Each time I read this book I appreciate it differently; I first read it in my early teens (maybe earlier), then again in my late teens, then as an adult.  It’s still a really lovely story.  Not terribly deep and/or meaningful I suppose, but there are some lessons to be learned about living each day as though it is your last, about facing your fears, and about being true to yourself.  So thanks Gran!