craft, miscellaneous, op-shopping

Knitting needle bangles

Look what we did this afternoon!  I read zephyrama’s post yesterday, and knew that Clare and I just HAD to have a go ourselves at making knitting needle bangles.

Before:  a pile of op-shop plastic knitting needles, and a how-to.

During: needles bubbling away in our old camping pan.  A larger or longer pan would have been good but this was all that we had.  They were a bit like spaghetti; as the end in the water softened, I could push the rest of the needle in.

After:  a whole lot of bangles!

They’re not perfect, but it was lots of fun!  With a bit more practice I reckon that we could do even better.  Longer needles seem to be more successful.  I’ll be keeping an eye out for long plastic needles in every op-shop that I enter from now on!  Thanks Zephyrama!  I vaguely remember people making bangles out of plastic toothbrushes when I was a kid – I suppose that it was the same process.