this is ...

This is … my knick-knack/jewellery box

Like many of the others participating in “this is …”, I don’t have just one jewellery or knick-knack box!  I have these instead:

A little dish I drop the day’s jewellery in each evening (I don’t like to wear any jewellery to bed), a laquered box I keep hair elastics and clips in, and a little turned wooden bowl my Dad made that I keep lipsticks in.  Mum emboidered the cloth.  One reason why I don’t have a jewellery box is because I keep my “good” jewellery in rolls, hidden away (which worked in my favour over a year ago when we were burgled – the thief didn’t find them, but went through my cheap stuff in the top drawer of my dressing table).  My necklaces are all hanging up on the inside of my wardrobe door:

It makes it easier to choose which to wear!  And I keep my hankies in this box that my Nanna made many years ago:

The pink gingham box below it holds sentimental memories: special cards, little gifts from Clare, and such.