

I’ve recently been awarded “you make my day” by Ainslie and “excellent” by Gina.  I’m very flattered!

Both awards are to be passed to another 10 people whose blog brings you happiness and inspiration and makes you feel happy about blogland.  Well, I actually have 154 feeds in bloglines at the moment (gulp) and there are so many blogs I adore!  Here are a few of my favorites, in no particular order:

ric rac

whippet good

quilting mick

another day in paradise

creative controller

sew mad

glass of fashion


oh, fransson!

creative reveries

and I could go on until I have listed all 154 feeds.  I enjoy so many blogs, for many different reasons – some make me laugh, some inspire me, some teach me, some are great eye candy.

Thanks also for the kind comments on my last few posts – I really appreciate your feedback!