Day: 28 September 2007

craft, fabric stash, patterns, sewing

Fabric stash additions

Okay, here are the fabrics just arrived from the USA!

I loved Miss Clare’s hip skirts so much that I have to make my own.  Shall I do the circle skirt or the pleated skirt first?

These are so pretty!  I bought a yard of each, and have no idea yet what they will become.  Clothes for Stella?  A bag?  Other craft?

No idea what I’m going to do with this one – I just liked it!

Craft destiny for these.  The numbers will become a laptop sleeve – hopefully this weekend!  Hubby is putting the pressure on (“enough tops and bags – where’s my laptop sleeve?”)

A yard of each of these as well – and 2 yards of the toile.

I really love this one!  I think that I’ll make a nice set for Stella, a top and pants from coordinating fabrics with coordinating trims – I’ve already got a pattern in mind.  Or will I make something for myself?

And there’s still another parcel winging it’s way to me . . .

baby, chenille, craft, sewing

Baby quilt

I’ve just completed this cot-sized quilt for my cousin’s baby, due next week.

Let’s hope that they don’t read my blog!  They are having a girl, which made it pretty easy for me since my stash is full of floral prints.  The chenille squares came from Jodie, as usual!

It’s backed with soft flannellette, and has pellon batting in the centre.  I have a few of these quilts, and use them mostly as floor mats.  The batting just makes them a little softer, and it washes well.

I really like the variety of textures in the chenille, and the beautiful soft colour combinations it provides.

I think that’s the last baby quilt for some time, thankfully – I’ve made about six now!

adult's clothing, patterns, sewing

Another top – Simplicity 4228

Wow, I’m really getting loads of tops made!  Instead of being paralysed by indecision about “which pattern, which fabric” I am trying to make quick decisions about both and just go for it.  These are all cheap stash fabrics (this one is from the Darn Cheap Fabrics $2 per metre table again), and are a great way to try out new designs.  This one is Simplicity 4228, view A.

It looks better on (I think):

Clare took the photos of me wearing it, so they’re from a strange angle – the height of a four year old – but they give you the idea!

I like the yoke detail with the little bit of gathering and the top-stitching.

Once again, very comfy, quite a nice fit, and easy to get on.  And quick to sew!  There does seem to be a little bit of a drag mark from the armholes to the yoke, so I’ll probably fine-tune the fit before I make another.  The pattern has a version with a short puffed sleeve, and there is a nice waistcoat/vest as well.

craft, crochet, fabric stash, miscellaneous, sewing

Crafty mail

With two small children online shopping for yarn and fabric is fast becoming a way of life for me!  Miss Clare is very patient though; we spent an hour in Spotlight yesterday without complaint – maybe because she’s been going to fabric shops since birth!  Miss Stella is being trained the same way.  Although I am never able to get everything that I wanted when I go there, and my closest store is such a mess!  Overcrowded with stock, really hard yakka with a pram.  I have a real love/hate relationship with the place.  Anyway, when I got home, these were waiting for me:

Scarf yarn from Bendigo Woollen Mills.  Yay!  I haven’t been crocheting for well over a week and miss it!  And there was also this box:

Fabric and a pattern from Sew Mama Sew.  I have very quickly become addicted to buying craft fabrics from the US – it’s just SO much cheaper!  I’ll show you the fabrics in a later post (children currently needing my attention) but here’s a start:

Even tied with bows, just like presents!