Day: 24 September 2007

adult's clothing, patterns, sewing

Sleeveless Simplicity 4589

Should I be a little more creative with my post titles?  Or is it better to be to the point?  I digress!  To get back to what the title of this post is all about, rather than starting on Simplicity 3964 (which is all cut out awaiting assembly) I decided to make the sleeveless version of yesterday’s top, Simplicity 4589. 

It looks quite good here, and is well constructed (if I do say so myself) but unfortunately doesn’t look quite as good on as the version with sleeves.  It’s fine with my arms on my hips, but has a bit too much armhole “gaposis” when they’re by my sides.  It will be okay to wear, but it’s a good lesson that just because a pattern has a sleeveless version, it doesn’t mean that the armhole will necessarily be cut differently to compensate for the missing sleeves.  Or maybe it’s just because I look better in tops with sleeves.  Oh goodness, I’m blithering, it’s getting late and I’d better go to bed.

Oh, the fabric is mystery cotton from Darn Cheap fabrics (that marvellous $2 per metre clearance table).

adult's clothing, patterns, sewing

Simplicity 4589

I made this one last night!

And for another view with my hair out of the way:

I need to work on that weird stance . . .

This is Simplicity 4589, which I have seen on a number of crafty and sewing blogs.  It was very simple and quick to make (approximately 2 hours including cutting out – it may have been a little less) and is equally easy to wear.  No hand-sewing was required.  The fabric is from the op-shop.  I still have enough left for a dress for Clare or Stella (or maybe another top for me).

It is fairly sheer and should be a fantastic summer top.  I may sew one of the other versions of this one as well.  It seems that I have finally figured out what size to make myself.  I’m not having my usual fitting problems, although that is probably also due to my lactation weight-loss and that I’ve finally figured out which styles are best on my shape.

I’m on a roll – I’ve got another lot of pattern pieces (Simplicity 3964) cut out and fabric chosen ready to go!  Watch this space.