Day: 22 September 2007

adult's clothing, sewing


Feeling very proud, I completed hand-sewing the binding around the bottom of the sleeve, turned the blouse the right way out to admire my handwork, and noticed this:

Yes, that sleeve has been set in upside down.  Note to self for future reference:  double-check that the sleeve seam is matched to the underarm seam, not the shoulder seam.  Now to start unpicking …

children's clothing, kids clothing, sewing

How many clothes does a little girl need?

I went through Miss Clare’s clothes today in preparation for summer, and put away all the clothes she’s outgrown.  After I’d finished the wardrobe looked like this:

but these are just the dresses and shirts that I have made myself for her!  There is a large collection of skirts in a drawer, nighties in another drawer, and sets of shorts/pants and tops in another drawer.  Add to that the clothes that I bought (mostly t-shirts – for some reason I haven’t sewn much in knits, despite the Knit-Wit course years ago and the recent purchase of an overlocker).  Plus the beautiful cardigans and jumpers that my mother has knitted.

At least Stella will get to wear them in a few years time!