
I was tagged

I was tagged a little while ago by Luv Abby – so have had to do a little thinking!  This seems at first to be a fairly simple tag.  It has taken me a long time to respond to it, however (sorry about that Luv Abby).

The rules are:

(a) each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves

(b) the rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed

(c) at the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

The most difficult part of this for me is thinking of which 8 people to tag.  I might leave that part out … anyone who reads this and would like to participate, please go ahead and consider yourself tagged!

Okay, here goes, 8 facts/habits about me.

1. I can touch my nose with my tongue.  Go on, you try it!

2. I was the “best man” when a male friend got married.  The matron of honour was a little disconcerted to be escorted down the aisle by another woman.

3. I still have a baby tooth (actually, up until about two months ago I still had two baby teeth – unfortunately one has finally come out, approximately 30 years later than usual).

4. I have three completely unrelated Bachelor degrees, but no post-graduate qualifications.  Jack of all trades, master of none.  Most people build on their studies and refine their qualifications – no, not me!  I return to university each time studying something different, not getting any credits for previous subjects.

5. I am an organised person.  I like to make lists.  I like to follow instructions.  I am law-abiding.  I join committees.  Am I also boring, inflexible and unoriginal?

6. I can read maps.  Without having to turn them around to face the same way that I am going.  I rarely get lost.

7.  I love watching talent quests.  That includes Australian Idol and Dancing With The Stars.  I loved Young Talent Time when I was little.

8. I like to sing.  I was in choir and madrigals when I was at school, and started singing in a choir again last year (although I’m currently on hiatus until Stella is a little older).  I’m not a good solo singer but do okay in a choir – my voice blends quite nicely!  I really love singing big choral works and unaccompanied pieces.

Which eight facts will you share with us?  I’m going to be checking your blogs for them!