bags, craft, refashioning, sewing

Sherbet bag number two

I started this bag before I had Stella – it is finally complete!  And you thought that I wouldn’t be subjecting you to any more of the curtain fabric, didn’t you!  Rest assured, this really is the last of it!

After I’d finished it, I realised that I have made a mistake – I have put in two “female” magnetic snaps, rather than a male and female – well duh!  So what do I do now?  Just leave it (they are still magnetised and sort of stick together a little bit) or unpick the lining seam, remove one of the snaps and put in the correct one, then sew it all back up again?  I think that it is likely to drive me nuts if I don’t fix it, but am quite annoyed with myself because it has taken me forever just to complete it!  I am keeping this bag for myself, so can possibly live with it for a little while . . .

Update: I fixed that magnetic snap the next day – and it only took about five minutes.