children's clothing, craft, crochet, fabric stash, kids clothing, miscellaneous, sewing, work in progress

Craft blogs aren’t quite the same without photos!

It’s just not the same when I can’t post pictures!  Roll on computer repair!  You’re all going to get deluged with past project photos next week.

I’ve almost finished my latest scarf – it’s one of those spiral ones – about time that I started to crochet something different!  I’ve got some fantastic tea cozy patterns via Etsy, so that will be a fun change (hopefully so kitschy that they’ll be terrific).  I was going to do a rainbow scarf for Miss Clare, but might put that off for a bit.  I’m not quite certain how I became so addicted to crochet – I think that the portability factor is a big part of it – I even crocheted in the car today (no, I was the passenger, not the driver)!

Miss Clare’s cape is almost finished – we just need to get some buttons for it.  It’s bright pink (surprise) lined with a fairy printed fleecy interlock, and has a hood.  Photo to come later!  I’ve made a couple of cushion covers for Freya too, with the few remnants of the blue floral barkcloth curtains.

And I have two skirts cut out for Miss Clare – one in the fairy printed interlock, and another in the pink/raspberry/blue stripe that I’ve been using a fair bit in other craft lately.  They’ll whip up very quickly once I sit down at the machine.  I also have a bag in progress – it’s cut out, interfaced, pinned together etc so shouldn’t take me too much longer!

I stopped off at Spotlight again today with my sister-in-law (who is kindly looking after Miss Clare this evening and tomorrow – Miss Clare loves having a sleep-over at her auntie’s and playing with her “big boy” cousins) to pick up a couple of balls of yarn to finish off my scarf, and found some great fabric on the $2 per metre pile.  And with any luck, it will eventually turn into clothes for me!  A fantastic printed voile (great for some of those summer patterns that I haven’t been able to buy here yet) and a fairly lacy blue knit – I haven’t sewed anything in that type of knit before, so it will be a good challenge for me (and inexpensive if I stuff it up).

My crafty “to-do” list is having many items crossed off it, but seems to be growing at the same rate as I come up with other ideas and things I’d like to make!  It’s all going to slow down soon though once this baby eventually appears . . .