craft, miscellaneous, musings, planned projects, sewing, work in progress

Computer Woes

No, I haven’t stopped posting because I’ve been off having a baby (incidentally, baby is now 7 days overdue) but because my computer has stopped working!  Disaster!  It simply wouldn’t turn on.  It’s now at the computer man being “looked at” and apparently needs a new motherboard and something or other chip but it’s an old computer so he has to find one somewhere . . .  ring back on MONDAY and see how it is going . . . I’ve been computerless since Tuesday so far and am suffering awful withdrawal symptoms!

Luckily hubby’s computer is fully operational, but there are many things that are stored on the hard drive on my computer that aren’t on his.  For example, all my email addresses, documents, photos, passwords for Flickr etc . . . yes, a good lesson learned, we need to do more backing up!

 Hence this photoless, craftless post.

I have been crafting though (won’t there be lots of photos once I have my computer back again) – I’ve finished hubby’s hat, am almost finished a crochet hat for Miss Clare, have completed two seamstress aprons, reorganised all my craft and sewing reference folders, and have cut out a winter cape for Miss Clare.  Then there’s the cushion covers for Freya that are cut out but need assembly . . . so it’s not as though I’ve been doing nothing!  Still plenty of projects planned as well – Tracey needs a knitting needle roll, I’ve got some great fabric waiting to be turned into tote bags . . .

Have fun everyone, I’ll blog as I’m able.  I now realise how addicted I am to being able to access information quickly and easily and how reliant I am on technology.