Day: 28 May 2007

craft, crochet, sewing

Still rolling along

Today’s project: crochet hook rolls for Mum and her friend Irene.  These ones are slightly different to the one I made myself.  Instead of just having the top of the roll turn over to hold the hooks in, I made a separate flap to keep them in place.  Also, Mum didn’t want hers tied with a ribbon, so I’ve done a strap that wraps twice then closes with velcro.  Hopefully it will be secure enough!  Here’s photos of them both open and rolled.

They were going to be identical until I realised it was possible that both Mum and Irene could be crocheting in the same place at the same time – and we don’t want confusion!  Hence one is bound in pink and the other in green.

I rather enjoy remembering the original item made of each of the fabrics that I utilise later for craft.  For example, in these hook rolls the black floral print is a pleated skirt (mine), the white floral linen a long-sleeved, loose shirt (originally mine, then it became Mum’s), and the pink and white print is a top and shorts (belonging to Miss Clare). 

And obviously, still no baby!  Four days over now . . .

craft, crochet, knitting, miscellaneous, sewing, sewing room, tutorials

On a roll

Of the crochet hook and knitting needle variety!  Once I started working with yarn, I quickly realised that I had no adequate storage for my hooks and needles.  A little googling later and I had found some excellent tutorials that helped me to make these:

A crochet hook roll:


knitting needle roll:


And both together all rolled up!

I’m certain that I’ll find it handy to have the crochet hooks separate, as I have an inkling that I am much more likely to be doing crochet than knit.  Although you never know what fad inspiration will strike me next!

I keep trying to figure out where the time has come from to do all the crafting that I’ve been doing lately – I’m possibly neglecting my poor husband and child.  Although I think that it has mainly substituted for watching TV (I’m completely behind on about every program now, so can’t have been watching much) and of course, now that I’m not going to work I have some time while Miss Clare is at kinder.  I do get up earlier than the rest of the household as well.  Does it sound as though I am trying to justify anything?

One of the things that probably makes the biggest difference in finding time to sew and craft is having a dedicated sewing room.  The machines are always set up, everything is easy to find and on hand, I can open the cupboard doors and stare at the piles of nicely stacked fabric for inspiration.  I am even keeping the mending up to date.  The ironing board is permanently set up with iron, pressing cloths etc.  Knowing where everything is has made it all so much easier.