miscellaneous, work in progress

Happy Mother’s Day!

Wow, I’m on a blogging roll this weekend!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mums out there!

Miss Clare made these biscuits at kinder.  She particularly enjoyed eating them!

At childcare she made me this little decorated box, which I am not to open – I am to hold it tight, and remember that it is full of love.  You may be able to read the verse which goes with it if you look at the photo closely.

And this is just beautiful – laminated with magnets on the back and now taking pride of place on the fridge. 

Clare and daddy have headed out on “an adventure” for the afternoon – yay, more uninterrupted sewing time!  What a lovely way to spend Mother’s Day – free time to myself (does that sound weird?) wearing my comfy new Mother’s Day slippers of course!  I’ve got lots of things in the works – so stay tuned for more blogging this week!